The Splitit Help Center

Outstanding Amounts Report Definitions

Merchant Outstanding Amounts Report

Sum of all future installments to be collected

Merchant Name

Account Name

Terminal Name

The name of the processing account for your merchant account

Shopper Name

Name of Shopper for an individual transaction

Shopper Email

Shopper Email Address entered at checkout

Process Date Time (UTC)

When this installment will be processed

IP Amount

The amount for the entire installment plan, similar to the purchase price

Currency Code

Currency of the transaction

Installment Number

Number of the installment in the plan

Number of Installments

The number of installments in the full length of the plan 

Ref Order Number

Unique order number coded by the merchant or passed via an eCommerce platform

Installment Amount

The amount for the individual installment to be processed

Card Issuer

Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover

Card Type

Credit, Debit, or Prepaid

Created Date Time (UTC)

When the plan was created on UTC time zone

IP Amount

The amount for the entire installment plan, similar to the purchase price

Currency Code

Currency of the transaction

Number of Installments

The number of installments in the full length of the plan 

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