Installments at checkout
Increase “pay later” adoption rates with Splitit’s white-label installments at checkout.
$3.5T credit unlocked
Out of $4.5T credit issued on US cards, 80% is unutilized. Splitit unlocks $3.5T of credit and allows shoppers to split their payments using the credit they have already earned, without paying interest.
1.2bn approved customers
Anyone with a credit card can use Splitit, anywhere in the world. With no applications, underwriting or SSN required, there is no friction at the checkout.
$1000+ average order value
With no arbitrary purchase limit, Splitit is perfect for high-ticket items. Customers can maximize their purchasing potential using their existing available credit, leading to higher transaction values.
Card-linked installments
We understand the delicate balance that banks and financial institutions strive to maintain between fostering card usage and preserving valuable issuer-consumer relationships.
Splitits’ card-linked model does not cannibalize card spend and does not disintermediate the issuer-consumer relationship through its own brand and platform.
White-label installments give merchants full control of the user journey
Merchant benefits
Increase transaction values
There’s no arbitrary purchase limit, customers can maximize their purchasing potential using their existing available credit.
Build lasting loyalty
We do not collect shopper data for marketing purposes nor do we share data with third parties.
Drive more conversions
Our integrated technology delivers over 85% approval rates, versus an industry norm of 35%-40%.
The only installment payment solution that allows shoppers to use their existing credit card at checkout
Shopper benefits
No additional interest or fees*
Splitit will never charge customers interest or fees. (Standard credit cards T&Cs still apply).
*Standard credit card T&Cs still apply
No new loans
Customers use the credit they have already earned. All they need is the balance available on their credit card.
Keep the rewards coming
Customers get all the benefits of paying with their credit card, including rewards, transaction insurance and protection against fraud.
Preserving valuable issuer-consumer relationships
Issuer benefits
Be present in the checkout
66% of consumers want to know about installment offers before deciding what to buy. Post purchase installments are too late!
Retain cardholders
Long-Term installment plans that keep cards active and provide a financing alternative for revolvers, preventing “Card Hopping”.
Drive incremental card spend
A better alternative to legacy BNPL where 70-80% of settlements are conducted via debit/directbank transfer.
Benefits of card-linked installments
Splitit’s card-linked installments offer a cutting-edge payment solution directly at checkout, eliminating the need for applications or registrations post purchase. Our innovative approach caters to a broader range of shoppers, and boosts transaction volumes by offering immediate, flexible payment options at the point of sale.
Card-linked installments
Post-purchase installments
Available at checkout No application or registration Enhanced customer engagement Increased transaction volume Cater to a broader range of shoppers Personalized offerings at checkoutThe easiest pay-later option to adopt
A single global API and an extensive network of partnerships makes Splitit’s Installment-as-a-Service the easiest pay-later option to adopt, integrate and operate across all consumer touch points.